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Welcome and Deserved Success For The Arundel Pharmacy

Your may remember that in September 2016, June Barker and I started a Campaign For An In-Town Pharmacy In Arundel. During a long campaign , when we collected over 3000 signatures of support, an eventual special hearing took place in May 2019 at the Norfolk Hotel, Arundel. The applicant we had then, was refused a licence to dispense NHS prescriptions, as it was felt Arundel only needed one Pharmacy. The existing one, outside the town, was rather inconveniently situated, for many living in and close to the town, as well as the many thousands of visitors Arundel welcomes every year. The applicant appealed the decision, but was refused again.

We thought that was the end of it. However, in August 2022, June and I contacted another pharmacist, Martin Chisanga, who had shown an interest in opening up a pharmacy in Arundel. In January 2023, there was a Grand Opening of The Arundel Pharmacy in Arundel High Street and Martin, and his wife Debbie, were given a wonderful welcome. Local MP Andrew Griffith cut the ribbon and The Mayor of Arundel, Tony Hunt was also in attendance, along with many others. Angela Standing, Arundel’s Town Cryer, announced the opening in her own inimitable way.

The only problem, a rather big one, was that Martin had to apply for a licence to dispense NHS prescriptions, if the pharmacy was to survive. Until then, the pharmacy could only sell non -prescriptive medicines and other items. The Licence Application Process took a very long time and then in November 2023, Martin received the bad news that NHS England had refused his application. Martin decided to appeal this decision. This resulted in yet another special hearing that took place at the beginning of May this year. Now, over six months later, he has finally received the wonderful news, that he has been granted a licence.

This is an amazing result. After six years of trying, Arundel now has a Pharmacy back in the Town Centre.It’s been an extraordinary journey with many hurdles and hoops to negotiate. We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to the many who have supported us all the way, they know who they are, and there are too many to mention by name. Without them we could not have achieved this result.

It has never been the intention for an In-Town Pharmacy to replace the other pharmacy, which is situated next to the Doctors Surgery on the outskirts of the town. June and I, and most importantly Martin, have always believed the two pharmacies can work together to serve the entire town and surrounding villages, plus the thousands of tourists and visitors. Arundel also has two housing developments underway and another awaiting planning permission, so there will be many extra residents to serve too

It will take a few more weeks for the paperwork to be finalised before Martin can actually dispense, but he will be well and truly ready when that day arrives soon.

Martin and Debbie have already endeared themselves to the town and we wish them every success with the most welcome, “ The Arundel Pharmacy”.