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Published Autumn 2021

Liz and Lee Parsons’ award winning restaurant has been delighting diners in Arundel for many years. Here Head Chef Lee shares the secrets of another of his favourite dishes – Gazpacho.


Ingredients for 8 portions • Lasts for 2 days
75g Onion – approx. 1⁄2 a small onion
800g Nutbourne tomatoes, very ripe 4g (1/2pc) Garlic Clove
2 pc Red peppers
1/2pc Cucumber
10g Whole basil (leaves & stalks)
50ml Cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil
1tsp Red wine vinegar
10g Salt
4g Sugar
1pnch Cayenne to taste after puree and passed

100g Prepared white crab meat
2tbsp Chopped chives
10ml Cold pressed, extra virgin olive


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cucumber red peppers under cold water
  2. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the cucumbers and peppers.
  3. Split the cucumber length ways. Using a teaspoon scrape and remove the seeds
  4. Cut the peppers into quarters from top to tail, remove the seeds
  5. Roughly chop the cucumber, peppers and tomatoes into approx. 1inch pieces. Place in a bowl.
  6. Add the basil, salt, sugar, cayenne, oil and vinegar. Mix well.
  7. Cover with clingfilm and marinade in the fridge for a minimum of 3-4 hours
  8. Using a blend, puree all of the ingredients until smooth.
  9. Push through a strainer. Taste and correct the seasoning with salt and sugar if required.
  10. Serve in chilled soup plates. Top the soup with the prepared crab meat, a drizzle of olive oil and chopped chives – serve and enjoy. Sunshine in a bowl!

Chefs note: – if prepared crab meat cannot be found cooked crab claws / legs can be used but will need to be prepared.