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Lots happening with The Arundel Bee Project!
There are now 350 members of the Arundel Bee Project Facebook page! 
Secondly, great to see work progressing on The Pollinators Garden opposite the museum. Benches are in place, raised borders are marked out with sleepers and trellis and fencing is in place. During the next month or so the beds will be created, planting will take place and the garden will continue to take shape – well done to Martin Duncan, Head Gardner at the castle and is team, and for the support or Arundel Town Council, Angmering Park Estate, The Norfolk Estate and everyone else who has helped this to happen!
Further discussions have been taking place with involved local authorities regarding wild flowering of the two A27 roundabouts and verges and other areas – it’s a complicated business but progress is being made despite the restrictions caused by Covid.
More news soon on other plans for The Arundel Bee Project!