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A message from Sharon Blaikie Chair of Arundel Chamber of Commerce

“Thank you to everyone who made the Tarrant Street Spring market possible and such a success yesterday, including all the residents who kindly moved their cars in order for the safe set up and set down of the market stalls. The cooperation was much appreciated.

We were blessed with outstanding weather in which to enjoy the Spring markets diverse range of crafts, complimented by a variety of excellent pop ups and live music entertainment.

There was a chilled, relaxed vibe throughout where friends and families gathered and the event highlighted to visitors everything that this wonderful town has to offer where businesses were pleased with the increased footfall.

The Spring market supported the Arundel Patient Surgery Group ASCA raising £400 as well as raising funds for Chestnut Tree House. Additionally we were pleased to be able to further promote the Community Fayre taking place at the Town Hall where hundreds of leaflets were handed out.

As part of the Covid Recovery Plan, the market was supported by the Governments Welcome Back Fund from Arun District Council. We are most grateful for the support from Arundel Town Council too. As part of the programme, we conducted surveys to inform future initiatives and events.

There is a huge amount of work that takes place behind the scenes to ensure the safe and smooth running of town events including logistics and last minute challenges which were dealt with effectively.

Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers without whom these events simply could not take place. So wonderful to see the camaraderie amongst all those involved and the positive engagement with our local community as well as the general public.

spring market
spring market