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Published Autumn 2021, by Andrew Simpson Headteacher

Arundel Cof E Primary School

LIKE many organisations, ACE has had to manage all the various changes that have emerged from dealing with the impact of the pandemic.

Looking at the positive in any situation is a key aspect to our school philosophy at ACE, and this, alongside our three values of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE, allows staff, children and members of our wider community to look at things with a growth mindset which establishes the idea that ‘we are not there YET’ and we can learn from what we have done. Learning is about collaborating, talking, knowing how to learn, aspiring, taking responsibility and believing that effort will lead to success.

We would like to share with you some of the marvellous, dedicated work staff, children, parents and governors have completed at ACE during the last term of the academic year 2020/21, and we would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this article about life at a little school located in our home town of Arundel and wish you a joyful summer.

Fossils Project @ Arundel CE Primary School

“Thank you so much for this follow up note, Mrs Simpson. Wynne and I have been talking about how valuable our interviews with you and the children were. Your school and your children are quite outstanding and considering this is a national project, where we have worked with many schools nationally, we clearly see your school near the very top! We will certainly make sure that we contact you with further project opportunities as it would be really nice to work with you and Arundel CE Primary School in the future.”

I just wanted to share with you some news about the project we have been involved in, piloting some super materials created by the Association for Science Education (ASE) entitled ‘Key Moments in History and Science: A Fossil Hunter’s Story’.

In Years 5 and 6, we have used the planning/materials they provided with the children, which has been extremely successful. We also had David Shilston from Arundel Museum in to help, using his knowledge and expertise, and he enjoyed it so much he came in three times!

The idea is that the materials are science-specific but multi-disciplinary and there were lots of history, RE and 24 character education links.

The two members of ASE who interviewed staff and children turned out to be some rather powerful people in the world of education: Wynne Harlen and Marianne Cutler, both of whom were authors of the Cambridge Primary Review!

Wynne Harlen was also until recently Director of the Scottish Council for Research in Education and before that was Professor of Science Education and Head of the Education Department at the University of Liverpool. In 1991. She was awarded an OBE by the Queen for her services to education.

ACE also worked with Arundel Museum for part of this project and it was a great experience to work alongside real life historians and scientists.

Thoughts are with Pastor Steve Lomas, Arundel Baptist Church

Sadly, Pastor Steve from Arundel Baptist Church is currently unwell and we would like to take this opportunity to send him our best wishes and love at this time. He will be in our prayers. Pastor Steve has done a number of things over a number of years for our school and he really loves our Christian ethos and all the things we stand for.

We also have his family in our thoughts at this time, especially his wife Gill.

Here are some of the get well soon messages we have sent him:

Super Poppy in Year 1

I just wanted to share with you how immensely proud I have been of Poppy in Year 1.

She was collected by her mum from Spanish after school and, whilst driving down into Arundel, at the bottom of the hill by Canada Rd and the roundabout she noticed a tent. Poppy asked her mum why it was there and came to the conclusion it may be someone’s home, as they don’t have one. She was really concerned about this and the idea that we all should help to make a difference in this world. She believes we all have a role to play in this.

Later she announced that she was going to ask her father on Wednesday if it was still there if she could give the person in the tent some food, even if that meant she would go without.

I had to share this wonderful girl’s values and morals. THIS IS WHAT ACE IS ALL ABOUT- THINKING ABOUT OTHERS BEFORE OURSELVES!

Why Sewing?

Sewing is one of the oldest arts and craftwork there is. This skill is still held in high esteem, even at present, because of the many benefits that we can get from it. Even children have countless things to learn from sewing.

Sewing involves many activities that children can learn from. Children can learn problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, focus and concentration, and fine motor skills through sewing. Learning to sew involves both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which can bring out children’s artistic talents as well as their mathematical abilities.

Teaching children how to sew will have long-term benefits that they can use until they are old. I would like to thank the Year 2 teaching team- and Mrs Hine especially- for leading this brilliant session, where the children have been sparkling with pride and confidence as they make their ACE Values of Love, Faith and Hope book marks.

Key Stage 1

The whole of Key Stage 1 have nearly completed their wonderful Noah’s Ark display too and the boys and girls in Year 2 have been instrumental in this.

Looking into Year 3

It was amazing to watch Eagle Class take part in their Cricket session on Tuesday.

Eagle Class have been learning about activists this week and have taken it upon themselves to improve the nature area of our school. As part of the eco-council, Eagle Class have a responsibility to upkeep the area and help it flourish alongside the learning of the children. The first step to encourage more wildlife into our area was to create a new bug hotel. We are going to continue to work on this space for the duration of the term and we look forward to updating you on the progress!

Whilst litter picking in the woodland area by our school, Gilby came across a tyre! His immediate thoughts were, ‘what is this doing here?’ Closely followed by ‘what could I do to upcycle this tyre?’ We are now planning to upcycle the tyre for a beautiful tyre flower display.

Amazing Holly and Year 3

I would like to thank Holly and her family, who hosted a fabulous event at their home which raised an incredible £460. All of the money goes straight to our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone, thanks to the charity Education West Africa.

This “Class Bubble” organised event was highly successful and, without the generosity from our parents, pupils in the class and the staff who were able to attend, we would never have raised this fabulous amount. This potentially could ensure 46 children can now go to school and I would like to thank all the ACE families in Year 3 who supported this amazing tea party and class summer fair through baking and making things including lavender cushions and even painted rocks.

The boys and girls were presented with certificates and it was lovely that they were visited by Penelope and Rod Sharman, Chairs of Education West Africa. Penelope received this message from the Bishop of Bo this lunchtime, having contacted him after meeting Eagle Class this morning.

‘We thank God for his grace upon Holly and her parents and all the children in Eagle Class.

May the almighty God continue to bless them in Jesus’ name.’

Further ideas

Gilby, Jacob and Holly are also walking to Sierra Leone- well, they are trying to take the number of steps it would take to walk there. These guys have sponsorship forms and hopefully will make it by the end of term.

Well done to the Year 3 families.