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New Councillors at Arundel Town Council

At the January meeting of Arundel Town Council, two new councillors were co-opted:
Marc Rankin
Not only was Marc raised in Arundel, but he can trace his family back to having lived in South Stoke back in the early 1800’s. Marc currently works in Local Government, and was a Unison Branch Secretary for several years. He is a keen supporter of the town and town life and is a Director of the Arundel Community Land Trust.
Amongst the issues that Marc would like the council to address are the reduction of through traffic in the town as well as reducing traffic speed and vehicle size/weight both in and around the town.
Iain Stirling
In the six years that Iain has lived in Arundel, he has immersed himself in the heritage of the town, becoming the Arundel Town Council Mace Bearer and a guide at Arundel Castle. He has combined his career with Highways England with acting as a self-employed shooting instructor. He is currently working for Arun District Council.
Iain is committed to the improving parking, traffic and transport issues in the town, including the campaign to get a proper pedestrian and cycle route from Arundel to Ford, and to making the most of Arundel’s heritage.