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Published Autumn 2021

Andy Batty is Chairman of the Arundel Community Partnership and is on the Arundel Town Council Working Group. Here he gives us an update on the progress of the campaign to build a cycle path on Ford Road.

ACTIVE Travel is the new buzz word. Britain has joined other countries to declare a climate emergency and the global race is on to reduce carbon emissions around the planet. Burning coal for energy was the biggest polluter but, in Britain, that has almost all switched to renewable sources like the wind farms that surround our shores. Today the worst offender for carbon emissions is transport- planes, lorries, boats, and cars. Cars produce about half of all carbon emissions within transport, so attention is turning to electric cars, hydrogen power, and our behaviour as drivers.

1 in 4 car journeys is less than 2 miles. If we, like the Dutch or residents of Cambridge, could change our behaviour to walk and cycle instead of using cars for these short journeys, there would be a huge benefit for the environment, and we would be fitter and healthier to boot. Covid has already accelerated many lifestyle changes for each of us. There is more home working and online shopping and we are also walking and cycling more too. Government statistics show that in 2020 people cycled almost 50% more miles than in 2019 and sales of electric bikes have grown from zero just a few years ago to 12% of the market in 2020.

It is because of this that government is talking about and investing in Active Travel. And therefore, after decades of wanting a safe route to Ford, it just might now happen. The Make Ford Road Safe Campaign emerged from the Love Arundel resident consultations in October 2019 when 200 residents came to meetings to have their say. Making Ford Road Safe was the single largest request from those residents. The campaign petition quickly reached 1,200 and, when Arun District Council carried out a public consultation on Active Travel last year, Arundel residents responded in droves. This in turn forced the Council to reconsider its own position on the project and now it says it is one of the top 5 priorities in the district. So, thank you to everyone who took part.

Both Arun and West Sussex councils now attend regular steering meetings with the Arundel town Council Working group and Highways England. I believe we are all committed to Making Ford Road Safe and will present a business case to Highways England before the end of this year seeking to gain approval to fund a “Detailed Design” to take place in 2022. As part of that process, Arundel Church of England pupils conducted a survey at Ford station to help us understand where passengers were going and why they use Ford station (pictured).

The Detailed Design will identify the exact route, specification and cost estimates which will then be available for public scrutiny enabling residents to have their say again.

In another major development we have met with Mr Tom Luckin and the Norfolk Estate who are the 2 major land owners along the route. Both have declared support for the project.

The Working Group is delighted with the progress so far. We have developed an excellent working relationship with the Councils, landowners and Highways England.

This is something that Arundel residents have wanted for years and we are almost there. Nothing can be taken for granted though. We must continually demonstrate that residents and people in the surrounding area want this to happen. The Make Ford Road Safe petition is still open and we need every signature we can get. If you support the project and have not yet signed the petition, please do visit

This route will be built for our children and their children. As the world continues to face up to the challenge of the Climate Emergency, we must begin to change our behaviour. These are generational behaviour changes we are talking about. We must learn to use cars less for short journeys where we can; walk or cycle instead and be happy that this is better for our health and wellbeing. Active Travel will become a bigger part of our lifestyle but first, we must make it safe to do so.

Read more about the campaign