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Parking information and charges

Parking can be a challenge in the centre of Arundel where free parking is limited and many residential homes do not have off street parking. This is especially so during the summer when there can be lots of visitors in town.

Electric Car Charging

There are Electric Vehicle charging points at McDonalds and BP Crossbush Service Station (24 hours) on the A27, East of Arundel. Find out more here. There are also 4 Electric Vehicle parking bays with charging available, at Arundel Train Station Car Park. There are currently no electric vehicle charging points in Arundel Town Centre.

Street Parking

Whilst there is unrestricted street parking in the majority of residential streets, there are a number of locations in the centre of town where parking is restricted to a 1 hour time limit (with no return within 1 hour) between the hours of 09.00 to 17.00, Monday to Saturday. For more detail, including locations of loading bays for goods vehicles and disabled street spaces please see the West Sussex County Council map.

Station Car Park

Nearest postcode is BN18 9PH

Chargeable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

154 bays

Bike racks

4 Electric Vehicle parking bays with charging are available and are strictly reserved for electric vehicles only before 9am. Beyond 9am, these bays can be used by all vehicles up until 4am the following day.

Link to

Disabled parking is free at this station for Blue Badge holders but you must register your vehicle with Connect Cashless Parking. To register, please visit the Cashless Connect website ( or call 0345 434 8008 and quote the Blue Badge location number


  • Daily – £5.40
  • Saturday £5.30
  • Sunday £2.60
  • Weekly £23.20

Operated by Saba UK –

Connect Cashless Parking:
Location Number: 1222
Blue Badge Number: 9222

Crown Yard Car Park

Crown Yard car park is a short stay facility

Nearest postcode is BN18 9JL.

Chargeable from 08.00 – 18.00, 7 days a week.

64 pay and display bays

4 blue badge bays

1 motorcycle bay

10 permit holder bays (only available to traders who are members of the Arundel Chamber of Commerce).


  • £1.65 – Up to 1 hour
  • £2.20 – Up to 2 hours
  • £2.10 – Up to 3 hours
  • £6.05 – Up to 4 hours
  • £8.80 – Over 4 hours

Owned and operated by Arun District Council

The Lido Car Park (Fitzalan Pool)

The Lido car park is a short stay facility

Nearest postcode is BN18 9JJ

Chargeable from 08.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week.

151 pay and display bays

10 blue badge bays

1 motorcycle bay


  • £1.50 – Up to 2 hours
  • £3.00 – Up to 4 hours
  • £5.00 – Up to 10 hours

Owned by Arun District Council and operated with the Arundel & Downland Community Leisure Trust

There is an annual parking permit available for £300 or for the winter season (1st October – 31st March) for £100. Members of the Chamber of Commerce will be eligible for a 20% discount. Please contact The Arundel & Downland Community Leisure Trust for more information.                            

Email: [email protected]                                                             

Phone number 01903 884772

River Road Car Park

Nearest postcode is BN18 9DH (10 spaces) 

Up to 1 hour £1.65

Up to 2 hours £2.20

Up to 3 hours £3.85

Up to 4 hours £6.05

Over 4 hours £8.80

Pay at machine by cash or card

Charges apply 8am-6pm every day including weekends and bank holidays

No overnight camping or sleeping

Free disabled parking when displaying valid blue badge

Car park owned by Arun District Council

Mill Road Car Park

Nearest postcode is BN18 9PA

Chargeable from 08.00 – 18.00, 7 days a week.

124 car bays

6 coach bays

7 disabled bays

4 motorcycle bay


  • £2.50 – Up to 3 hours
  • £3.50 – 3 to 4 hours
  • £5.00 – Over 4 hours
  • £10 for Coaches not visiting the Castle

Coaches can drop off visitors at Lower Lodge, Mill Road but should park in the Mill Road car and coach park opposite. Coaches bringing groups (of 15+) to the Castle are eligible for free parking in the coach park (plus free Castle admission for the driver). Please enquire at the main Castle ticket office or call 01903 882173

Operated by Arundel Castle Trustees Ltd

There is an annual pass available for £320. Contact the Castle office during office hours or email [email protected]

Parking Permits

Crown Yard car park

10 permit holder bays (only available to traders who are members of the Arundel Chamber of Commerce).

The Lido car park (Fitzalan Pool)

There is an annual parking permit available for £300 or for the winter season (1st October – 31st March) for £100. Members of the Chamber of Commerce will be eligible for a 20% discount.

Please contact The Arundel & Downland Community Leisure Trust for more information.

Email: [email protected]

Phone number 01903 884772

Mill Road car park

There is an annual pass available for £320. Contact the Castle office during office hours or email [email protected]

River Road car park

River Road car park has several permit holder only bays.

Operated by Arun District Council

Penalty Charge Notices

Arun District Council carry out parking enforcement in Arundel on behalf of the West Sussex County Council. A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) is an official notice issued to a vehicle which is contravening a parking restriction or regulation. They are issued under the Civil Parking Enforcement Regulations 2007. Penalty Charge Notices could be issued for parking:

  • On single or double yellow lines
  • Without a valid resident or visitor permit within controlled parking zones
  • In disabled bays without a valid disabled badge
  • Without a valid pay and display ticket or parking disc
  • For longer than permitted in limited waiting bays

For more information

Reporting an abandoned vehicle

The various County Council, district and borough councils and Sussex Police have formed Operation Crackdown for reporting and dealing with abandoned vehicles. Any enquiries relating to abandoned vehicles should be made directly to Operation Crackdown.