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Arundel Neighbourhood Plan

Arundel Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood planning is a way for communities to have a say in the future of the places where they live and work. It gives you the power to produce a plan with real legal weight that directs development in your local area.

A chance to have your say...

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arudnel town centre
arundel grassy path
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Arundel Neighbourhood Plan

While neighbourhood planning gives your community the opportunities to develop your own area, any neighbourhood plan must align with national planning policies as well as policies contained in our local plans for that area.

Background Information

The Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review 2018-2031 was the first Neighbourhood Plan to be reviewed in Sussex.

This plan was extensively reviewed in 2018/19, identifying land that could be developed for housing-including low-cost housing-in the period up to 2031. This plan was approved in referendum in 2019.

At Full Council meeting of 15th January 2020, Arun District Council resolved to ‘make’ the Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review 2018-2031.

This means that it has been brought into legal force and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Arundel, Arun District Council and South Downs National Park. It now sits alongside the Local Plan and will be used when determining planning applications for Arundel.

What's happening now?

In 2023/24, Arundel Town Council (ATC) will be updating the Arundel Neighbourhood Plan and undertaking a second review of the plan primarily to reflect some changes in law and government policy which have been introduced since 2018. 

A review session was held with members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) on 1 March 2023. Following this review session and initial briefing presentation which identified the approach to the review, O’Neil Homer, the appointed Planning Consultants, produced a report which has established the template of the review going forward.

This review is now ongoing, alongside a Character Assessment of the conservation area. This Character Assessment will underpin any design guidance to be incorporated in the review.

Our update of the Neighbourhood Plan is not expected to result in any material changes to the existing plan. In particular we do not expect to be identifying any more land for housing in the town than was identified in 2019.

However, there are a number of changes to government policy that we will want to reflect in the Neighbourhood Plan 3. If the changes are not material the Examiner may conclude that a referendum on the changes is not required.

Updated Oct ’24

The latest news from the Neighbourhood plan

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