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Nearest Tip

West Sussex County Council are responsible for running the tips across West Sussex and their provisioning contractor is Viridor.

The nearest tip to Arundel is at Mill Lane, Littlehampton, BN17 7PH

Littlehampton household waste & recycling site accepts a wide variety of waste items. Please see the Waste & Recycle webpage for West Sussex for details.

Proof of residency at Household Waste and Recycling Sites (Tips)

From 1 December 2019 residents are now required to show ID when they visit a West Sussex Household Waste and Recycling Site (HWRS) for proof of residency. Access to sites will be denied if you do not have proof of address and are not a West Sussex council taxpayer.

Acceptable forms of ID

Residents need to show one form of identification from the list below. Any other form of identification will not be accepted on site.

  • Current driving licence (photo card or paper licence will be accepted) –preferred option
  • Council Tax bill – from the current financial year
  • Utility bill (gas, electric or water) – less than a year old
  • TV licence less than a year old
  • Letter from HMRC or the Home Office – less than a year old
  • Current bus pass
  • Current disabled parking permit

How the checks work

  • Site staff will only ask to see your proof of address – they will not record or keep this information.
  • Each time you arrive at a site you will be met by a member of staff within the site entrance area.
  • You will be asked to show your ID (the address must be clearly visible and also the photo if photographic ID is being shown).
  • Staff will check your address and postcode to establish that you are a West Sussex resident.
  • If your ID is valid you will be directed into the site to dispose of your waste.
  • Failure to bring appropriate identification from the specified list will result in you being unable to use the site.

All sites have CCTV and if you are refused entry and leave waste outside the site, you will be liable to prosecution. See information on fly tipping at the bottom of the page.

If you have a holiday home or caravan, you will be able to use the HWRS and/or mobile site if you can provide evidence that you pay Council Tax to WSCC.

Proof of residency required when using West Sussex household waste and recycling sites

Van, pickup and trailer waste permits

If you have a van, pickup and trailer waste permit, photographic ID will continue to be required under the terms and conditions of the permit scheme. This will not change.

Apply online for a van, pickup and trailer waste permit