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Rubbish and recycling kerbside collections

Arun District Council are responsible for our kerbside rubbish and recycling collections and Biffa are the contractors that carry out the work on their behalf.

recycling guide
recycling guide 2

Collection days

Find your collection day here.

Your collection day will remain the same throughout the year and will not be affected by bank holidays. Christmas collections may vary and will be advertised as appropriate.

Collection points

All rubbish and recycling should be presented at the designated collection point by 7am on the collection day. The normal collection point is the property boundary, which is where your path or driveway meets the publicly adopted road or pavement. Please try and avoid putting bags out the night before where possible as seagulls and foxes often open them up overnight.

Assisted collections

Arrangements may be made for residents who are unable to move their rubbish or recycling bin to the front of their property for collection. If you wish to apply for an assisted collection please telephone 01903 737754.

Refuse Bins and bags

Rubbish should be properly contained in tied black sacks or a bin. ADC do not supply black bags or wheelie bins but you can purchase your own. You should not present more than 5 black sacks or one 240 litre wheelie bin of refuse per week. Anything extra will not be collected.

Kerbside recycling collection

ADC provide blue top recycling bins although some areas of Arundel are provided with recycling bags instead due to the location of their property.

Moving house

If you are moving into a newly built property, or the previous tenants of your new home did not have a recycling collection, you will need to set one up new service form

Not included in kerbside collection

Large electrical items, furniture, large toys, carpets, hazardous waste (batteries, light bulbs etc.), garden waste and rubble cannot be collected as part of the above.

You can take them to your local household waste recycling centre for free or you can arrange a special collection through Biffa. For more information please call 01903 734520.

There is also a separate pay for garden waste collection service – see the Green Waste Club.