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David Shilston elected new Chair of Arundel Museum

Arundel Museum’s trustees have elected David Shilston as the new Chair of the Museum’s Board.
David has been a volunteer at the museum for a number of years and has taken a particular interest
in the Museum’s outreach activities to school and college students and to visitors to the town. By
profession, David is a Chartered Geologist, working in environmental management and civil
engineering – a job that has taken him all over the UK and to many countries overseas.

The Museum has weathered the upheavals of Covid-19 successfully and has re-opened to welcome
visitors and as the town’s tourist information point. The Liberator Exhibition, which is running until
20 th March has been a great success. It presents some of the results of excavations and research of
an American Liberator bomber that crashed just after D-Day, during the Second World War, and
information about a German Junkers 88 bomber that crashed at Swanbourne Lake during the Battle
of Britain. David believes that, by collaborating with the excavators, the researchers and the farmer
of the Liberator’s crash site, the exhibition is a good example of the kind of activity that the Museum
can do to bring Arundel’s history alive.