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Published Spring 2022

Successful fundraising at ‘Arundel at Christmas’ Market

ASCA held a fundraising Christmas Raffle at the Christmas Market in Tarrant Street. Raising funds for a new vaccine fridge, after one of their current fridges failed. So, on a very cold day, we set up our stall. we had been given a marvellous spot in Tarrant Street and had an amazing array of prizes ranging from a family ticket for Arundel Castle, to Christmas hampers made up of donations by businesses around town and the surrounding villages, including various Christmas goodies, lovely food items, coffee, wine. Also separate prizes of – wine, Champaign, chocolates, fudge, a Christmas cake and Christmas puddings. We had no idea how well the raffle would go given the worries about Covid, but we set up in a Covid Secure manner with social distancing in place. We even had a contactless payment card machine (donated by a committee member) as we knew people might not be using cash. Well, the footfall was amazing, and we were busy from the moment we set up until the end of the day, so much so that we completely forgot to take a photo of our lovely stall! We had hoped to raise £3-400 on the day but we had such wonderful support that in the end we raised £623. Having also received some large individual donations we have been able to purchase the fridge which cost in excess of £1000.

Meet Wendy Callaghan – Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Wendy has recently joined the practice as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, which means she can diagnosis and treat patients, including prescribing drugs, referring patients for tests, x rays and to other specialists. She sees urgent appointments ‘on the day’, including patients with longer term conditions if they have an acute problem. Of course she always has access to the GPs if she needs them. Wendy originally trained in the Army and has had a wide and varied career. After leaving the Army she trained as a District Nurse and was a Sister in the community, she has also worked in A&E, and in her roles in GP practice has also supported family planning and women’s health . About 15 years ago she did her Masters in Advanced Nursing Practice, and then went on to work as a practitioner in the wider West Sussex area. So she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role in Arundel. Wendy is clearly enthusiastic about promoting health and well being and leading by example, when ASCA interviewed her she was talking about how the surgery staff might organise some health related fun activities. ASCA is keen to help so watch this space later in the year.

Covid Booster Jabs for Housebound Complete by Surgery

ASCA wanted to thank the surgery staff for taking on the job of providing booster jabs for all the housebound patients in the practice. There had been issues in visiting housebound patients nationally as the requirements for using the Pfizer jab included waiting 15 minutes with the patient created difficulties. After some logistic problems with local services, particularly in rural areas, for the first and second doses, the surgery decided to take the boosters on themselves. Amanda Bell one of our practice nurses undertook this mammoth task, although central Arundel is quite compact several of the housebound live in the rural villages; she has now seen the far reaches of the practice area, up and down lanes and we understand even crossing a field! The wider rural communities take much more time due to the travel. This meant a number of Amanda’s routine clinics had to be reorganised. A big thankyou to Amanda for her hard work and to the patients whose clinic appointments were reorganised to make sure this happened.

ASCA Events coming up

ASCA anticipates holding our Annual talk some time in April alongside our AGM if all is well. Dr Alex Thornton Smith will present his delayed talk ‘Have I got cancer Doc?’.

We also hope to have an Easter fundraising activity as we deferred our ‘name those bears’ competition at Christmas. The ASCA committee will be making plans as we feel able and depending on the Covid situation in February/March; So look out for texts, posters, our website and Facebook notifications.

Finally –

ASCA are aware that the Surgery Doctors & Staff have continued to provide a great service during a period when Covid cases are still quite high locally and many staff at the Surgery have had to take time off due to their own or family illness. This has been hard work for everyone , so we still need to be patient in these difficult times.

For More Information About ASCA contact Liz Horkin Chair on 01243 814323