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Published Winter 2021

New Faces at Reception

Sam Thompson Head Receptionist

Patients have been aware of the extra work the surgery has faced with the Covid pandemic. This has included a heavy burden on reception and administrative staff, which has been compounded by vacant posts. So, we are delighted the Surgery have recently been able to recruit new administrative and reception staff. Some have been finding their feet over recent weeks and by the time this is published other new starters will have arrived. This includes staff with practice reception experience and a new Head Receptionist Sam Thompson. Sam comes with a broad range of GP practice experience. Obviously even experienced staff will take time to learn all about Arundel so please be be aware that staff may be new when phoning or attending the surgery, but we are sure they will find their feet very quickly.

Other Good news

Many of you will know Michelle Davey who has been part of the reception team for 26 years and more recently Head Receptionist. With all her years’ experience we are delighted that Michelle has now been appointed Deputy Practice Manager supporting Gabby Harrison who has done a great job on her own since she arrived. Gabby and Michelle are really keen to engage with the wider community so you may well see them pop up from time to time at relevant meetings, events or activities in Arundel ensuring the surgery team are keeping their fingers on the pulse of things that matter to Arundel patients.

Flu Clinics

ASCA supported the surgery by providing the front door greeting service for the Saturday Flu clinics. The surgery had to box and cox around the national supply issues but managed admirably to get appointments booked and clinics rearranged. Everyone attending was able to get in and out very quickly with the slick system the surgery had set up. As one patient said – ‘quicker than a McLaren Pit stop’

Covid Booster Jabs

Arundel Patients will be contacted when they are eligible by the joint service working across several practices to attend he Bognor clinic for their booster jabs. However, people can also book into the national centres – the situation is fast moving so there may be more updates on the national booking service by the time you read this.

Christmas Activities

ASCA will be raising funds this year towards a new vaccines fridge, a new treatment couch, and new treatment room trolleys. We will be running our very popular Name that Teddy Bear competition in the Museum on Saturday 4th December just outside Santa’s Grotto. The prize winners will take home one of the beautiful Teddy Bears.

We will also be in the Town Square with a raffle stall and information about ASCA on Sunday 12th December.

Do come and see us – support the Surgery and learn more about ASCA.

A Thank you to the Surgery

It was lovely to see all the beautiful pictures given to the Surgery to thank the Doctors, Nurses and other staff for all their hard work by Arundel Primary School, now proudly displayed in reception.

For More Information About ASCA contact Liz Horkin Chair on 01243 814323