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Makeover is a popular subject in the media these days and much is written about how living spaces can be adapted to changes in fashion and innovations in design and technology. So how did a Norman castle built by a kinsman of William the Conqueror evolve into a much admired visitor attraction and family home in the 21st century?

Rebuilding Arundel Castle black & white

Looking at Arundel’s imposing castle today you might be surprised to learn that the building you see was commenced in 1067 and completed in 1900. During the intervening 800+ years the castle has undergone many changes – the various kings, dukes and earls who owned it and its attendant lands made their mark according to their tastes, requirements and financial circumstances.

But arguably none has been so dramatic as the ambitious rebuilding project undertaken towards the end of the 19th century by Henry, the 15th Duke of Norfolk. This project ranged from from the demolition of earlier ranges and the erection of large new sections to the design and installation of light fittings and central heating in the medieval hall.

Duke Henry was involved at every stage of the project, from approving the design of the towers to the choice of door fittings and wash stands. 

Black & white Rebuilding Arundel Castle Arundel Museum Exhibition

This huge project was undertaken with the intention of securing the future of the building for the next thousand years.

All aspects of this amazing project are explored in a major new exhibition: Rebuilding Arundel Castle, 1870’s to 1900; at Arundel Museum. The exhibition opens mid-October and will continue until 7th April 2024.

There will be some dates when it is not open, so please check the museum website for exact times.

Learn more or telephone 01903 885866

Dates the exhibition is not open in January:

Thursday 11th (closed all day)
Monday 15th and 22nd (closed 1-4pm)
Tuesdays (closed all day)
Wednesday mornings
Thursday 25th (closed 1-4pm)
Friday 26th (closed all day)