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After a difficult afternoon and advice from Public Health England, the Care Quality Commission and the Clinical Commissioning Group we have been instructed to close the surgery until next Tuesday (19th January) due to a Covid outbreak. We will have limited access to the surgery computer system and may be able process some prescriptions but this cannot be guaranteed.
With regard to medical care if you have a medical emergency you should call 999 as usual. Less urgent medical advice is still available via 111. The usual Out of Hours Service is operating at night and over the weekend. There are also Urgent Treatment Centres at Bognor Hospital and St. Richard’s Hospital if you really can’t wait to speak to us on Tuesday. We will be rearranging appointments already booked for Friday and Monday and will contact those affected individually.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused and have tried our hardest to avoid shutting the surgery. Unfortunately we have been instructed that this is essential to avoid any further spread.